
Overcoming Deployment One Day at a Time

Paleo Craze-y

on April 22, 2013

Tell the truth.  How many of you are interested in at least learning a little bit about what’s so special with the Paleo diet?  Well.  I am.  So I’ve been on a hunt for awesome Paleo-related blogs and articles to teach me what I want to know.

Now.  I cannot promise that I will one day follow the diet strictly, but it has spiked my interest enough to eat clean most of the time.  And by “most of the time” I mean when I am not at my inlaws’ house.  For one reason or another, my self control leaves itself at the door.  It’s humorous and frustrating.

Anyway, I digress.  Here are a few of the Paleo-friendly blogs that have helped me learn what this Paleo craze is all about:

everyday paleo – Make sure to check out all of her awesome recipes after you learn a little bit about Paleo!

Paleo Plan – This blog has several articles that are informative in nutrition and fitness topics along with several ways to get started.

nom nom paleo – Ok!  This has to be one of my favorites.  The blog’s vibrant appearance in and of itself makes this one awesome.  Aside from that, though, there’s a lot of information, recipes and resources for your Paleo-viewing pleasure.

Eat real food!

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